Hierarchy / Press and printed material / Press and related papers / Press-cuttings scrapbooks

Press-cuttings scrapbooks, 1966-1977

3 volumes

Volumes compiled by Barry Flanagan containing press-cuttings and photocopies of press-cuttings from the national and international press and specialist publications which make reference to his work. The press-cuttings are arranged broadly chronologically and the majority are labelled with the publication title and date.

Press cuttings May 1971 – December 1974, 1971-1974
Date Range
1 volume
1 volume
Scope and Content

Green scrapbook of press cuttings 1971 – 1974.

Inside cover annotated ‘Eddie Wolfan’ and ‘R.H. Ruchs’.

Barry Flanagan Sculpture, Rowan Gallery, (1971), Eddie Wolfran, William Feaver, Marina Vaizey.

Nine Young Artists: Theodoron Awards, (1969), review, Peter Schjeldahl.

Eight Individuals: Sculpture and drawings chosen by Bryan Robertson for the Arts Council Collection, Derby Museum and Art Gallery, Derby, (1971), Derby Evening Telegraph.

Peter Stuyvesant, Sculpture in the City Project, (1972), Cambridge Evening News, 15th, 17th ,20th , 26th April, with three from 28th April. Others from the 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th ,11th 12th, 15th, 16th and 24th May and two from 10th May 1972, also Rodney Tibbs, Irene Seccombe, and A.J.M [personal comment and letter to the editor section]. Feature; Jeremy Rees, ‘Public Sculpture’ Studio International July/August 1972 and review by Guy Brett.

The New Art, Hayward Gallery, (1972), Nigel Gosling, Marina Varzey, William Fever, The Sunday Times. Feature; R.H Fuchs, ‘more on The New Art’, Studio International, November 1972.

Homework, Rowan Gallery, (1972), reviews; William Packer, Edward Lucie – Smith, Richard Cork, Caroline Tisdall , Janet Hobhouse, The Evening Standard and two by two by Peter Fuller. Features; Michael Spens, Studio International, December 1972, and Marina Varzey, ‘Barry Flanagan, Homework’, [not published, c.1972].

Barry Flanagan Sculpture, Rowan Gallery, (1973), reviews; Michael Shepard, Marina Vaizey, [Peter Stuyvesant City Sculpture Project also mentioned], John Russell, Peter Fuller, Nigel Gosling, Fenella Crighton and Evan Anthony.

Projects: Barry Flanagan, Museum of Modern Art, New York, (1974), reviews; Peter Schjeldahl, Jeremy Gilbert – Rolfe, Philip Oakes and Arts News. Feature; Mark Segal, Studio International, December 1973 [detailing postponement of MOMA from the 29th October 1973] and Press Release; 22 January 1974 [citing the change of date – the exhibition].

Something Etruscan, Rowan Gallery, (1974), reviews; Michael Jon Ashworth, Nigel Gosling, William Feaver [with mention of MOMA NYC, 1974], Caroline Tisdall, Michael Shepherd,

Barry Flanagan Drawing 1966 -1974, Museum of Modern Art Oxford (1974) & Something Etruscan, Rowan Gallery, (1974), feature; Catherine Lampert, Studio International, December, 1974, reviews; James Burr, Paul Overy, Peter Fuller, Tim Hilton.

Feature; Peter Fuller, ‘Quiz to the Critics’, Arts Review, 15 December 1973.

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