Hierarchy / Sketches, maquettes and writings / Sketch and notebooks / Small sketch and notebooks

Small sketch and notebooks, 1974-2008

33 volumes
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Sketch and notebook (November – December 1983) (November 1983 NY Flan Gino), 1983
Date Range
1 volume
1 volume
Scope and Content

Sketches and notes in blue pen.

Various female portrait drawings one dated (19 November 1983). Drawing of a male and female nude [in the style of classical sculpture]. Sketches and measurements for Hare on Elephant (1983) and Baby Elephant (1984).

Note of addressed of foundries in Pietrasanta and London. Estimate of costs for casting (June/July 1984). Note of cost of rent for ‘Gino’s studio space’. Note of address for ‘Jeremy Howard’ and note of date and time for Private Views at the Clarendon Gallery London and one of ‘Greek and Roman sculpture’ made by another.

Note ‘Music at One Fifth’, another ‘Theatre Man’ and note of the name ‘Ramond Dixon’ [possible the first world war tenor]. Drawing of a sinking ship. A business card for The Victoria London and a blank postcard of the ship the Caribia [sunk in 1974 whose various restaurant fittings were relocated to One Fifth restaurant, 5th Ave NYC].

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