Hierarchy / Press and printed material / Private view cards

Private view cards, 1974-2009

10 folders

Files of private view cards for solo and group exhibitions featuring the work of Barry Flanagan and other artists, with related papers.

Other artists and group exhibitions, 1996-2009
Date Range
3 folders
3 folders
Scope and Content

Private view cards, invitations, correspondents and gallery literature for other artist’s exhibitions unless stated.

PV cards for Ready to Shoot, Videogalerie Schum, Kunsthalle Dusseldorf, (2003), Summer 2004, Sculpture, Paul Kasmin Gallery NYC, (2004) and Retrospective: Artists in Britain 1962 – 1995, Sotheby’s, (2004) all featuring Flanagan’s work.

The Lefevre Gallery London, (2000), Camden Arts Centre, London, (2001), with press release and information sheet, Michael Werner Gallery, NYC, (2001). Artist’s Party invitation, Tate Britain (2001), [addresses to Flanagan]. Lefevre Contemporary Art, London, (2002), Grant Selwyn Fine Art, NYC, (2002), with correspondents to Flanagan from the Gallery and Hayward Gallery, (2002).

Tate Britain, London, (2002), [addresses to Flanagan], and Pallant House Gallery, West Sussex, (2004) [addresses to Flanagan]. Samit Das, Delay Saltoun, London (2008) with press release and Central Saint Martins, Degree Show (2008), London with correspondents to Flanagan. Alan Cristea Gallery, London (2008), Art:Pack and Paul Kasmin Gallery, Frieze Art Fair, (2008). Royal Academy, London, (2008) with RSVP card and two invitations. Piano Nobile, London, (2008) with correspondents from the Gallery to Flanagan, Delaye Saltoun, London, (2008),

Postcard from the Imperial War Museum, Private view cards of other artist’s exhibitions in the UK at Robert Sandelson Modern and Contemporary Art (2007), the British Museum, (2008), University of the Arts London (2008), three for Elizabeth Cope, Windmill Row, London [ND], Frieze Art Fair, (2008), Timothy Taylor Gallery (2002), Piano Nobile Gallery, (2008) and two from the Royal Academy of Arts (2008). Two cards, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, (2008) with programme of events. South Hill Park Arts Centre, Farnham (2000), Correspondents from the Wales Millennium Centre (2008) and the Henry Moore Institute (2008). Four PV cards from Waddington Galleries (2000), the Gogosian Gallery, London, (2006), Editions Graphiques Gallery [ND], Jonathan Wylder Gallery, (2006), Mayor Gallery, (1999) and (2006), David Nash (1996). Firstsite, Colchester, events (2005 – 2006), the Dean Gallery Edinburgh and NewArtsCenter, Roche Court, Wiltshire (2008 – 2009) with press release.

Six PV cards from various exhibitions at Irish Museum of Modern Art in 2008 and two from 2007, the Highlanes Gallery, Drogheda, (2008) a card from Lismore Castle Arts, Waterford. Four Private View cards and three Varnishing Day invitations, RHA Annual Exhibition, (2008), Dublin with correspondents from the RHA, the Molesworth Gallery, Dublin, (2006).

PV cards for the Peggy Guggenheim Collection the the Venice Biennale (2001), correspondents from Fiac Art Fair, Paris (2008), Galerie Lelong, Paris (2007), three Fundacao Galouste Gulbenkian, Portugal, (2008) and Kunst Der Gegenwart Essl Museum, Austria, (2008). Fiac welcome pack and correspondents to Flanagan, La Bibliotheque Municipale Spain, (2006), cards of Richard Long’s work at Guggenheim Bilbao, (2000), Kunsthalle Dusseldorf, 2006 and two programme of events. Two from Gagosian Gallery NYC, and Beverly Hills, both (2005).

Five postcards of various different iterations of Sculpture in the Close, Jesus College Cambridge (c1988) and one postcard of Broad Street Oxford.

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