Hierarchy / Audiovisual material / Interviews and documentary films

Interviews and documentary films, 1982-2008

MP3 & MP4: 12.08 GB (12 CDs, 2 VHS, 1 cassette tape, 1 film roll)

Includes interviews for research and broadcast purposes.

Art and the sixties, 2003-2004
Date Range
MP4: 5.48 GB (8 CDs)
MP4: 5.48 GB (8 CDs)
Scope and Content

DVD and MP4, 05:43:44 hrs

Un-cut footage of interview with Vanessa Eagle for BBC documentary Art and the sixties broadcast in 2004 including footage of work in progress featuring Tanya Nyegaard shot in Dublin Art Foundry, Ireland, with full copies of episodes 1 – 3 covering subjects including art school and early influences and people including Frank Martin, Anthony Caro, Jasia Reichardt, Philip King, Gilbert and George, Richard Long, John Latham, Bob Cobbing and Yoko Ono.

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