Hierarchy / Audiovisual material / Interviews and documentary films

Interviews and documentary films, 1982-2008

MP3 & MP4: 12.08 GB (12 CDs, 2 VHS, 1 cassette tape, 1 film roll)

Includes interviews for research and broadcast purposes.

The Killing Detail. A Whimsical Journey Through Barry Flanagan’s Work (1986), 1986-1992
Date Range
1 folder, MP4: 239.1 MB (1 film roll, 2 VHS)
1 folder, MP4: 239.1 MB (1 film roll, 2 VHS)
Scope and Content

VHS and MP4, 00:15:10 mins.

Documentary film recording on Barry Flanagan and his work directed by Carine Asscher in film roll format with enclosed typescript information sheet on the film and other films featured on the roll by Film Forum 1, and in VHS format with enclosed letter from Gordon Potter (29 July 1992), regarding the film.

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