Hierarchy / Sketches, maquettes and writings / Work in progress / Proofs, testers and trials

Proofs, testers and trials, 1970-1996

21 folders

This series of print files containing colour tests, annotated and defective prints, blind prints and notes on the positioning of prints, were acquired by the Estate of Barry Flanagan on 10 October 2012 from Galerie Lelong, Paris. They formed part of a larger series of print files stored at the Galerie; the artworks have been catalogued in the artworks section. Where artworks formed part of the archive file, their presence has been noted in file descriptions. Files are ordered by date of the work.

O’Rembrandt Eve, 1977, 1970 - 1977
Date Range
1970 - 1977
2 folders (1/2) & (2/2)
2 folders (1/2) & (2/2)
Scope and Content

Proof for O’Rembrandt (1970) and printing plan for O’Rembrandt Eve, (1977)

Annotated sheet marking the positioning of the print and three test prints for O’Rembrandt filed with copies of the artwork.

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