Files compiled by galleries and related institutions containing photocopies of press-cuttings on exhibitions, the majority of which feature the work of Barry Flanagan, from the national, local, and specialist press.
Bound copies of press-cuttings, many of which duplicate those sent to Barry Flanagan by the gallery Jeu de Paume, Paris, for the exhibition Un Siecle de Sculpture Anglaise (6 June 1996 – 15 September 1996)
Possibly compiled by the British Council containing a letter from Caroline Douglas, British Council’s Exhibition Officer, detailing their delight at visitor numbers, and general reception of the exhibition in the press, (5 September 1996).
Dutch Press:
Volkskkrant, De Amsterdam, 07 June 1996.
Italian Press:
Giorgio Segato, Arte in, no 43, April 1996.
Gabriella Gatto, Arte in, no 43, April 1996.
Roger Bevan, Art. in, June 1996.
Press, United Kingdom:
Georgina Oliver, National Union of Journalists Paris Branch, Newsletter, 18 March 1996.
Georgina Oliver, The Art Book, March 1996.
The Times, 3 June 1996.
Richard Cork, The Times, 8 May 1996.
‘Art and Culture in Paris this Summer’, Update, Traveller in France Volume 2, issue 2, May – June 1996.
Martin Gayford, The Daily Telegraph, 12 June 1996.
Richard Cork, The Times, 25 June 1996.
Frank Whitford, Sunday Times, 16 June 1996.
John McEwen, Sunday Telegraph, 16 June 1996.
William Packer, Financial Times, 18 June 1996
Adrian Searle, The Guardian, 25 June 1996.
The Economist, 13 July 1996.
Peter Plagens, Newsweek, 15 July 1996.
Alex Duval Smith, ‘Paris insulted by British Art’. [No publication, no date].
Caroline Douglas, Tate [Magazine], Summer 1996.
Mark Gisbourne, Untitled [ND].
Yves Abrioux, Untitled [ND].
French Press:
C.C, Dialogues infos, 18 – 31 May 1996.
Anne-Lise David, Valeurs Actuelles, 11 May 1996
Anne de Charmant, Muséart, May 1996.
Geneviè Petit, CB News, Communication, 3 – 9 June 1996.
François Dargent, Le Figaro, 5 June 1996.
Elisabeth Lebovici, Culture, 6 June 1996.
Jean-Louis Pradel, L’Evenement, 6 – 12 June 1996.
‘Vous avez dit, art?, La Vache Anglaise du Jeu de Paume’, Est Éclair, 7 June 1996.
‘La Vache Anglaise au Jeu de Paume, Le Petit Bleu Du Lot Et Garonne, 9 June 1996.
Elena Guicciardi, La Repubblica, 10 June 1996.
François Baudot, Elle, 10 June 1996.
Geneviève Breerette, Le Monde, 12 June 1996.
Jean-Louis Pinte, Le Figaro, 12 June 1996.
Sandra Kwock Silve, The Paris Free Voice, No. 5 Volume 19, June 1996.
‘Sélection Galeries’, Calendrier, Connaissance des arts, June 1996.
‘Henry Moore & Co’, Beaux Arts Magazine, June 1996.
‘L’Art Du Temps’, Beaux Arts Magazine, June 1996.
‘L’Amicale Du Jeu De Paumé’, Beaux Arts Magazine, June 1996.
Gallery Listing, Beaux Arts Magazine, June 1996.
Ann Hindry, translated by C. Enwarden, Art Press, June 1996 [With introduction].
‘Un siècle de sculpture anglaise’ Action, May – June 1996.
‘Un siècle de sculpture anglaise’, Jeu de Paume, Paris’, Arts Info, April – June 1996.
‘Le Royaume-Uni de la sculpture’, Le Journal des Arts, June 1996.
France Huser, Le Nouvel Obervateur, 11 – 17 July 1996.
Laurent Wolf, Le Nouveau Quotidien, 16 July 1996.