This year’s edition is curated by Tobias M Berger. It focuses on the theme ‘Natural Takeover’, inspired by the public park’s location, between the Rhine, Cologne Zoo and the botanical gardens.
New works have been added to the existing collection of Michael and Eleonore Stoffel. Flanagan’s ‘Large Mirror Nijinski'(1992) is part of the collection and on display.
Artists include: Mary Bauermeister, John Bock, Tom Burr, James Lee Byars, Nina Canell, Leelee Chan, Edith Dekyndt, Bogomir Ecker, Ayşe Erkmen, Peter Fischli / David Weiss, Sou Fujimoto, Dan Graham, Lena Henke, Jenny Holzer, Bethan Huws, Leiko Ikemura, Anish Kapoor, Stefan Kern, Hubert Kiecol, Per Kirkeby, Klara Lidén, Dane Mitchell, Katja Novitskova, Jorge Pardo, Mandla Reuter, Ulrich Rückriem, Michael Sailstorfer, Karin Sander, Thomas Schütte, Joel Shapiro, Andreas Slominski, Mauro Staccioli, Mark di Suvero, Rosemarie Trockel, Simon Ungers, Bernar Venet, Bernard Voïta, Paul Wallach, Lois Weinberger, Martin Willing, Guan Xiao, Trevor Yeung and Heimo Zobernig.