Barry Flanagan’s work is currently on show in Flat Time House in the exhibitionPalindromes curated by Jo Melvin. The exhibition explores artists interest had in ’Pataphysics and how it created a basis for the dialogue between them.
Alfred Jarry (1873-1907), the French writer defined ’pataphysics as a ‘science of imaginary solutions’.’Pataphysics is frequently represented by the spiral form, this backward and forward movement being similar to a palindrome from which the exhibition takes it’s title.
Various works by Flanagan are exhibited including, Thinker on Computer (1996), Black Ad (1970) and FrogHare Plaque (1999), to the stamp Flanagan designed for the Collège de ’Pataphysique (2001).
For more information see the Flat Time House website here: FTHo